Terms & Conditions
1. Intro
These terms and conditions apply to any case/assignment undertaken by Summ, CVR number 33884559, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Summ is organized as an Anpartsselskab (ApS). Our general contact information is as follows:

SLUSEHOLMEN 2, 1st floor,
CVR number: 33884559
Phone: 29333355
Summ has a business account with Sydbank.
Account number: 6818
Account: 1109106
IBAN: DK0668180001109106

2. The task
When we take on a new task, we draw up a client agreement. The agreement defines our understanding of the task, our and the customer's obligations, the services we expect to provide, which partners and other employees will be involved in the case, the applicable tariffs for each individual, and an overall estimate of fees and benefits. We estimate the total remuneration in relation to the expected workload. If the nature of the assignment changes, we will inform the customer of the changed conditions.

3. Identity Information
Summ is subject to anti-money laundering laws, which obliges us to obtain and retain identity information for all customers. All customers are registered in the AML system Creditro and undergo KYC verification.

4. Honorary
Our fees are determined on the basis of a concrete assessment that takes into account:
• The service provided
• Time consumption
• The number of documents and banking transactions
• Who helped to solve the task
• Complexity of the task
• Whether the task required work under significant time pressure
• The degree of responsibility associated with the performance of the task

Our fees are exclusive of relevant expenses and costs. We reserve the right to charge additional fees if the amount of work exceeds the agreed.

5. Payment and Prepayment
Typically, we issue an invoice when the task begins. For larger or longer assignments, the fee will be paid retrospectively monthly, unless otherwise agreed. We reserve the right to demand advance payment for cases where the nature of the assignment in our judgment requires it. The payment terms are 8 days from the invoice date, and VAT is added in accordance with Danish VAT rules.

6. Supplier Service Agreement
We reserve the right to collect our fees through a vendor service agreement and establish a debtor mandate for all of our customers.

7. Price adjustment
We reserve the right to annually adjust the fees for our services in accordance with a specified price index.

8. Obligations
All customers are expected to provide documents, records and material in digital form for our work. Customers are also expected to provide their documents regularly in connection with our work on a monthly basis. If a customer fails to meet the monthly document delivery deadline, we reserve the right to charge an additional fee to compensate for any delays that may arise due to the late delivery of the document material.

9. Termination of Customer Relationship
In the event of termination of a customer relationship, the notice period will always be the end of the current quarter, so that we can complete the work and bill for the services performed, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

10. Start-up Fee
We reserve the right to charge a start-up fee to cover the costs associated with onboarding new customers.

11. Confidentiality
All information received in connection with an assignment is treated as confidential unless circumstances clearly indicate otherwise.

I'm 12. Use of Our Services
Our services are tailored to the specific task and may not be used for any other purpose without our express prior approval. Unless otherwise agreed, we are only responsible to the customer for the consultancy services provided. The customer has the right to use the specific written material we have prepared for a given task, while Summ retains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the material.

I'm 13. Document storage
Summ completes the task until its natural completion or until the client requests that the case be terminated. Documents are typically handed out no later than the end of the assignment, and we keep the documents for at least five years from the invoice date. For information about storage, deletion, data access, etc., please refer to our Data Processing Agreement.

I'm 14. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction
Any dispute between the customer and Summ must be resolved in accordance with Danish law in a competent Danish court.

Overhold altid dine deadlines

Ring til os på +45 29 33 33 55, skiv en email til info@summ.dk eller udfyld formularen forneden.
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Kontakt os nu

Kontakt os i dag og oplev, hvordan Summ kan revolutionere din regnskabsstyring. Lad os finde de perfekte løsninger til din virksomhed, eller bare tag en snak med os. Vi er her for at hjælpe dig med at tage din virksomhed til næste niveau.

Du kan til enhver tid afmelde disse meddelelser. For mere information om, hvordan du afmelder, vores privatlivspraksis, og hvordan vi er forpligtede til at beskytte og respektere dit privatliv, bedes du gennemgå vores Privatlivspolitik.

Ved at klikke på send nedenfor, giver du samtykke til, at Summ opbevarer og behandler dine personlige oplysninger, som du har indsendt ovenfor, for at levere de ønskede tjenester og oplysninger.

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