Privacy Policy
1. Intro
At Summ, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the safe and responsible handling of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the principles and practices we follow when collecting, using, storing and protecting your data in accordance with applicable data protection rules, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2. Data Controller
Summ is the designated data controller who monitors the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your data, you can contact us using the information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

3. Types of Information Collected
We only collect data that is directly relevant and necessary for the intended purpose. This may include:
• Contact information such as your name, email address and phone number.
• Information shared during communication or cooperation with us.

4. Purpose of the Treatment
Your personal data is processed for specific, transparent and lawful purposes, including:
• To contact you in connection with our services and respond to your inquiries.
• To manage and maintain our business relationship with you.

5. Legal Basis for Processing
The processing of your personal data is carried out on the basis of:

• Your express consent for specific purposes when given by you.
• Processing necessary to fulfill a contract to which you are a party or to take action on your request prior to entering into such an agreement.
• Compliance with applicable regulatory obligations.

6. Retention period
We retain your information for the period required to fulfill the defined purposes or as dictated by relevant laws and regulations.

7. Your Rights
You have various rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, including access, rectification, erasure and objection. To exercise these rights, please contact us.

8. Updates to the Policy
This Privacy Policy is subject to periodic reviews and updates. Any significant changes will be notified to you in a timely manner.

Your privacy is important to us and we value your trust in letting us handle your personal information.

Contact information:
Sluseholmen 2, 1 room. TV
+45 29 33 33 55

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Kontakt os i dag og oplev, hvordan Summ kan revolutionere din regnskabsstyring. Lad os finde de perfekte løsninger til din virksomhed, eller bare tag en snak med os. Vi er her for at hjælpe dig med at tage din virksomhed til næste niveau.

Du kan til enhver tid afmelde disse meddelelser. For mere information om, hvordan du afmelder, vores privatlivspraksis, og hvordan vi er forpligtede til at beskytte og respektere dit privatliv, bedes du gennemgå vores Privatlivspolitik.

Ved at klikke på send nedenfor, giver du samtykke til, at Summ opbevarer og behandler dine personlige oplysninger, som du har indsendt ovenfor, for at levere de ønskede tjenester og oplysninger.

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