Summ hire
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Summ Hire

With Summ Hire, you get access to professional bookkeeping services without having to hire a full-time employee. Our flexible solution allows you to hire an experienced bookkeeper who can handle all your accounting needs, exactly when you need it. Whether it's for a short-term task, a peak load, or an extended period of time, Summ Hire ensures that your bookkeeping is in the best hands. Our bookkeepers are experts in their field and always up to date with the latest rules and standards

Why Hire a Employee?
Perhaps you do not need a full-time accountant, but only a part-time employee. Summ can quickly and efficiently deliver the precise functionality your business needs. We currently service many small and medium-sized businesses with a permanent bookkeeper, payroll accountant or controller, from a few times a month to 1-2 times a week. In this way, Summ takes care of the entire finance function so that our clients can focus on growing their business further.
A workaround that suits your need

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Kontakt os i dag og oplev, hvordan Summ kan revolutionere din regnskabsstyring. Lad os finde de perfekte løsninger til din virksomhed, eller bare tag en snak med os. Vi er her for at hjælpe dig med at tage din virksomhed til næste niveau.

Du kan til enhver tid afmelde disse meddelelser. For mere information om, hvordan du afmelder, vores privatlivspraksis, og hvordan vi er forpligtede til at beskytte og respektere dit privatliv, bedes du gennemgå vores Privatlivspolitik.

Ved at klikke på send nedenfor, giver du samtykke til, at Summ opbevarer og behandler dine personlige oplysninger, som du har indsendt ovenfor, for at levere de ønskede tjenester og oplysninger.

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